Η πλήρης σειρά των προϊόντων μας περιλαμβάνει εξοπλισμό για δίκτυα ατμού, νερού, διαθερμικού λαδιού, υγρών και αερίων καυσίμων καθώς και ολοκληρωμένα συστήματα αυτοματισμού και εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας

Power Generation

As the global population continues to grow and environmental regulations become increasingly strict to curb CO₂ emissions, the power generation sector is encountering mounting challenges. Power companies are under pressure to adapt to these changes. Consumers now demand that power providers deliver sustainable energy solutions at an affordable price, all while ensuring a dependable and uninterrupted supply of electricity.
BAKELAS S.A. delivers high performance solutions that help conserve energy in your facility while ensuring it operates at its best.


Boilermakers today benefit from BAKELAS cutting-edge digital and automated solutions, which enable them to achieve the utmost levels of safety and reliability, meeting the most stringent standards.
BAKELAS S.A. offers outstanding engineering, backed by 40 years of experience and rigorous testing, ensuring exceptional outcomes when collaborating on your boiler design.
Our automated digital boiler control solutions are manufactured and designed to meet the highest safety and quality standards. They adhere to international and local regulations, including IEC 61508, SIL2/3, European Standards like EN 12952 and EN 12953, as well as USA Standards such as UL60730. This commitment to compliance provides assurance regarding boiler safety.
Through our adherence to stringent testing standards, you can have confidence in the high-quality, durable, and reliable nature of our products, whether you opt for off-the-shelf solutions or custom-designed ones.


If you operate in the chemicals manufacturing sector, it’s probable that you heavily depend on steam as a vital source of thermal energy for your operations. Just like other industries, the chemicals sector is experiencing growing pressure to take proactive measures in achieving sustainability and reducing carbon emissions in its processes.
By optimizing your steam-dependent processes and ensuring efficiency across your steam system, you have the potential to make a substantial positive difference in your energy consumption and carbon footprint. BAKELAS S.A. will assist you in maintaining consistency and sustainability in your processes amidst a rapidly evolving world.


We recognize the critical significance of energy efficiency and operational reliability for hospital engineering departments. Meeting stringent targets and minimizing downtime are essential.
Our array of products and solutions is meticulously crafted to enhance the efficiency of your steam system, spanning from the boilerhouse to the distribution system and extending to the condensate recovery system.
Some of the areas where we can provide help include:
  • Heat recovery
  • Monitoring and targeting
  • Hot water production
  • Boilerhouse automation
Our technical experts can also offer specialist advice and products to improve the performance and reliability of specific steam-using applications such as:
  • Sterilisation
  • Humidification
  • Air handling
  • Clean steam generation

Oil & Gas

BAKELAS S.A. has a significant presence in the oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors, covering a wide spectrum of production stages. Steam and hot water play a critical role in numerous processes, ranging from initial exploration and upstream production to downstream processing and the creation of raw materials for various industries.
We assist our customers in the following areas:
  • Exploration and Production, both onshore and offshore, including NG (natural gas) and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas).
  • FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels).
  • Oil shales.
  • Onshore LNG separation plants, encompassing condensates treatment, sweetening, and liquefaction facilities.
  • Crude refining, involving the processing of crude oil, including Avgas, biofuels, and heavy byproducts.
  • Gas processing, which includes separation and compression of gases.
  • Petrochemical processing plants that produce chemical feedstocks for a wide range of industries, including biopharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, plastics, food, and textiles.
  • Our product range includes everything from quick-fit compact steam trap stations and steam and condensate manifolds to large heat exchangers, pumping systems, and metering skids.
Additionally, we offer various energy surveys and steam system service packages, such as steam trap surveys and maintenance agreements, aimed at reducing energy consumption and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for our customers.

Pulp & Paper

Steam is a crucial component in various phases of the papermaking process, ranging from the extensive production of chemical market pulps to the manufacturing of premium coated paper products.
We’ve introduced inventive condensate drainage arrangements for corrugating machines, leading to significant enhancements in productivity and product quality for an expanding group of manufacturers.
Leveraging our profound expertise in these processes, BAKELAS S.A. has successfully assisted paper producers in achieving the following:
  • Augment production rates with existing machinery
  • Decrease energy consumption
  • Optimize energy recovery efforts
  • Enhance process efficiency and product quality while minimizing downtime
  • Reduce maintenance expenditures


We are committed to establishing enduring partnerships with our pharmaceutical clients, founded on mutual trust. This positioning enables us to provide valuable insights tailored to the specific needs of your application.
We offer assistance in the following areas:
  • Ensuring compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP).
  • Enhancing process control.
  • Ensuring process reliability and consistent quality, thereby reducing product rejections.
  • Minimizing downtime and changeover durations.
  • Implementing energy recovery solutions.
Our products and solutions are designed to meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical sector, including features such as:
  • Construction from 316L stainless steel and utilization of industry-standard connections.
  • Components designed for self-draining and free of crevices.
  • Adherence to 3-A Sanitary Standards and EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group) design principles.
  • Seals approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

General Manufacturing

The demands for higher productivity alongside the adoption of sustainable practices underscore the increasing importance of equipment and system reliability. In various industries where steam, condensate, hot water, and other fluids are integral to production processes, BAKELAS S.A. leverages its expertise to offer solutions and support.

Food & Beverage

Blanching, peeling, cooking, coating, distillation, evaporation, pasteurization, dehydration, extrusion, shrink-wrapping—steam is involved in numerous stages of food processing, encompassing preparation, production, preservation, and packaging.
Almost every well-known food brand incorporates steam in some way during their manufacturing process before reaching consumers.
Our engineers possess a unique ability to integrate our products with a deep understanding of production processes and industry standards. This enables us to assist food producers and OEMs in various key areas:
  • Enhancing production capacities
  • Ensuring process reliability and minimizing downtime
  • Improving product quality and reducing waste
  • Lowering energy consumption
  • Implementing energy recovery solutions

Marine & Shipbuilding

The global shipbuilding industry, is highly competitive. BAKELAS S.A. offers high quality products that possess marine certifications and approvals.
Leveraging their expertise in steam and hot water production and distribution, BAKELAS team utilizes their well-established products, which have been approved to meet rigorous marine certification standards. This ensures the reliable and efficient operation of all your critical applications.
We have expertise in the following applications including:
  • Butterfly valves (manual & automatic)
  • Globe valves
  • Safety valves
  • Pneumatic actuators
  • Steam traps
  • Pressure reducing valves
  • Level controls
  • Level limiters
  • Turbidity detection
  • Blowdown, drain and warm up
Power Generation

Power Generation

As the global population continues to grow and environmental regulations become increasingly strict to curb CO₂ emissions, the power generation sector is encountering mounting challenges. Power companies are under pressure to adapt to these changes. Consumers now demand that power providers deliver sustainable energy solutions at an affordable price, all while ensuring a dependable and uninterrupted supply of electricity.
BAKELAS S.A. delivers high performance solutions that help conserve energy in your facility while ensuring it operates at its best.


Boilermakers today benefit from BAKELAS cutting-edge digital and automated solutions, which enable them to achieve the utmost levels of safety and reliability, meeting the most stringent standards.
BAKELAS S.A. offers outstanding engineering, backed by 40 years of experience and rigorous testing, ensuring exceptional outcomes when collaborating on your boiler design.
Our automated digital boiler control solutions are manufactured and designed to meet the highest safety and quality standards. They adhere to international and local regulations, including IEC 61508, SIL2/3, European Standards like EN 12952 and EN 12953, as well as USA Standards such as UL60730. This commitment to compliance provides assurance regarding boiler safety.
Through our adherence to stringent testing standards, you can have confidence in the high-quality, durable, and reliable nature of our products, whether you opt for off-the-shelf solutions or custom-designed ones.


If you operate in the chemicals manufacturing sector, it’s probable that you heavily depend on steam as a vital source of thermal energy for your operations. Just like other industries, the chemicals sector is experiencing growing pressure to take proactive measures in achieving sustainability and reducing carbon emissions in its processes.
By optimizing your steam-dependent processes and ensuring efficiency across your steam system, you have the potential to make a substantial positive difference in your energy consumption and carbon footprint. BAKELAS S.A. will assist you in maintaining consistency and sustainability in your processes amidst a rapidly evolving world.


We recognize the critical significance of energy efficiency and operational reliability for hospital engineering departments. Meeting stringent targets and minimizing downtime are essential.
Our array of products and solutions is meticulously crafted to enhance the efficiency of your steam system, spanning from the boilerhouse to the distribution system and extending to the condensate recovery system.
Some of the areas where we can provide help include:
  • Heat recovery
  • Monitoring and targeting
  • Hot water production
  • Boilerhouse automation
Our technical experts can also offer specialist advice and products to improve the performance and reliability of specific steam-using applications such as:
  • Sterilisation
  • Humidification
  • Air handling
  • Clean steam generation
Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

BAKELAS S.A. has a significant presence in the oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors, covering a wide spectrum of production stages. Steam and hot water play a critical role in numerous processes, ranging from initial exploration and upstream production to downstream processing and the creation of raw materials for various industries.
We assist our customers in the following areas:
  • Exploration and Production, both onshore and offshore, including NG (natural gas) and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas).
  • FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels).
  • Oil shales.
  • Onshore LNG separation plants, encompassing condensates treatment, sweetening, and liquefaction facilities.
  • Crude refining, involving the processing of crude oil, including Avgas, biofuels, and heavy byproducts.
  • Gas processing, which includes separation and compression of gases.
  • Petrochemical processing plants that produce chemical feedstocks for a wide range of industries, including biopharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, plastics, food, and textiles.
  • Our product range includes everything from quick-fit compact steam trap stations and steam and condensate manifolds to large heat exchangers, pumping systems, and metering skids.
Additionally, we offer various energy surveys and steam system service packages, such as steam trap surveys and maintenance agreements, aimed at reducing energy consumption and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for our customers.
Pulp & Paper

Pulp & Paper

Steam is a crucial component in various phases of the papermaking process, ranging from the extensive production of chemical market pulps to the manufacturing of premium coated paper products.
We’ve introduced inventive condensate drainage arrangements for corrugating machines, leading to significant enhancements in productivity and product quality for an expanding group of manufacturers.
Leveraging our profound expertise in these processes, BAKELAS S.A. has successfully assisted paper producers in achieving the following:
  • Augment production rates with existing machinery
  • Decrease energy consumption
  • Optimize energy recovery efforts
  • Enhance process efficiency and product quality while minimizing downtime
  • Reduce maintenance expenditures


We are committed to establishing enduring partnerships with our pharmaceutical clients, founded on mutual trust. This positioning enables us to provide valuable insights tailored to the specific needs of your application.
We offer assistance in the following areas:
  • Ensuring compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP).
  • Enhancing process control.
  • Ensuring process reliability and consistent quality, thereby reducing product rejections.
  • Minimizing downtime and changeover durations.
  • Implementing energy recovery solutions.
Our products and solutions are designed to meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical sector, including features such as:
  • Construction from 316L stainless steel and utilization of industry-standard connections.
  • Components designed for self-draining and free of crevices.
  • Adherence to 3-A Sanitary Standards and EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group) design principles.
  • Seals approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
General Manufacturing

General Manufacturing

The demands for higher productivity alongside the adoption of sustainable practices underscore the increasing importance of equipment and system reliability. In various industries where steam, condensate, hot water, and other fluids are integral to production processes, BAKELAS S.A. leverages its expertise to offer solutions and support.

Food & Beverage

Food & Beverage

Blanching, peeling, cooking, coating, distillation, evaporation, pasteurization, dehydration, extrusion, shrink-wrapping—steam is involved in numerous stages of food processing, encompassing preparation, production, preservation, and packaging.
Almost every well-known food brand incorporates steam in some way during their manufacturing process before reaching consumers.
Our engineers possess a unique ability to integrate our products with a deep understanding of production processes and industry standards. This enables us to assist food producers and OEMs in various key areas:
  • Enhancing production capacities
  • Ensuring process reliability and minimizing downtime
  • Improving product quality and reducing waste
  • Lowering energy consumption
  • Implementing energy recovery solutions
Marine & Shipbuilding

Marine & Shipbuilding

The global shipbuilding industry, is highly competitive. BAKELAS S.A. offers high quality products that possess marine certifications and approvals.
Leveraging their expertise in steam and hot water production and distribution, BAKELAS team utilizes their well-established products, which have been approved to meet rigorous marine certification standards. This ensures the reliable and efficient operation of all your critical applications.
We have expertise in the following applications including:
  • Butterfly valves (manual & automatic)
  • Globe valves
  • Safety valves
  • Pneumatic actuators
  • Steam traps
  • Pressure reducing valves
  • Level controls
  • Level limiters
  • Turbidity detection
  • Blowdown, drain and warm up

Η εταιρία μας, Μπακέλας Α.Ε., ιδρύθηκε το 1992 και μέσα σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα εξελίχθηκε σε έναν από τους μεγαλύτερους και πληρέστερους προμηθευτές βιομηχανικού-υδραυλικού εξοπλισμού στην Ελλάδα.

  • Η πλήρης σειρά των προϊόντων μας περιλαμβάνει εξοπλισμό για δίκτυα ατμού, νερού, διαθερμικού λαδιού, υγρών και αερίων καυσίμων καθώς και ολοκληρωμένα συστήματα αυτοματισμού και εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας.
  • Η τεχνογνωσία, η άμεση ανταπόκριση, η τεχνική υποστήριξη και η εμπειρία των μηχανικών της εταιρείας μας, εγγυάται την απόλυτη κάλυψη των αναγκών των πελατών μας, εξασφαλίζοντας σίγουρες λύσεις με υπευθυνότητα και αξιοπιστία.

Στην προσπάθειά μας για διασφάλιση της ποιότητας των προϊόντων μας, προσπαθήσαμε και επιτύχαμε αποκλειστικές συνεργασίες με τους κορυφαίους κατασκευαστικούς οίκους του εξωτερικού.

  • Η επιμονή στην ποιότητα των προϊόντων και των υπηρεσιών της εταιρείας μας, κέρδισε την εμπιστοσύνη των μεγαλύτερων βιομηχανιών και τεχνικών-κατασκευαστικών εταιρειών στην Ελλάδα και συνεχίζουμε με σταθερά ανοδική πορεία και με τη δυναμική που μας εξασφαλίζει η εμπιστοσύνη των πελατών μας.

Μέρος της δέσμευσής μας είναι η επιτυχημένη εξυπηρέτηση των πελατών μας

Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι πρόσφατα ολοκληρώσαμε με επιτυχία project με θέμα ‘Επιθεώρηση Ατμοπαγίδων’ σε διυλιστηριακές μονάδες.

Η εταιρία μας, παρόλο που έχει εμπορικό χαρακτήρα, είναι σε θέση να παρέχει υπηρεσίες μέτρησης της απόδοσης των ατμοπαγίδων, οι οποίες βοηθούν τους πελάτες μας να κατανοήσουν καλύτερα τις ιδιομορφίες του ατμού, και μετατρέπονται σε πιο αποτελεσματική λειτουργία, και εξοικονόμηση!

Τι σημαίνει αυτό; Έχουμε εξειδικευμένους τεχνικούς που μπορούν να επιθεωρήσουν τις εγκαταστάσεις ατμού σας, να εντοπίσουν αστοχίες που αφορούν στην απώλεια ενέργειας (και κατ’ επέκταση οικονομική επιβάρυνση ως αποτέλεσμα αυτού), και να προτείνουν κατάλληλες λύσεις για το δικό σας δίκτυο, για εγγυημένα αποτελέσματα.

Τα μεγάλα Ελληνικά διυλιστήρια μας εμπιστεύτηκαν για τα δίκτυα τους, και έχουν ήδη δει εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και κόστους.

Γιατί όχι και για το δικό σας δίκτυο;